Sunday, October 27, 2013

Once more from the top

So about 5 weeks ago, I gave myself a personal challenge. Operation: Hello Pencil Skirt.
Its been a rocky star. I aggravated a knee injury about 2.5 weeks ago that deferred my game plan. Throw in a trip out of town, some tasty-tasty food, and some of the most delicious refreshments -- I got distracted. My activity and eating wasn't going like I planned/hoped/prayed for. I hid the game plan under the bed.
I let life dictate where I should of been dictating life. Lets be real. Did I need to eat that ice cream& birthday cake? Or all that bread? Oh that hot,fresh, crunchy french bread... Get into my belly, but keep off my hips. I should of showed more restraint, but that was not in the cards, my friends. I jumped in mouth first. I enjoyed every moment of it. Now its time for a shake down to get myself back on track...

Let's talk the end result of Operation: Hello Pencil Skirt:
                  I want to be healthy, fit, and look good in my pencil skirts.

Sounds pretty simple, right? I have an amazing support team in Emily & Tamara, my 2 tag-teaming trainers. They are all about booty kicking, tough love, lots of laughs, and getting in touch with my inner bunny/cheerleader/ dancer. They also have ears for listening and a wealth of advice that set the tone for some pretty fabulous days even when the nights before have been the pits.

One thing I need is some stronger accountability, which is why I am posting my goals here and will throw in some progress updates as I make my way to my end result. Wish me strength! Wish me willpower! I'll need those more than luck.

 Hello Pencil Skirt
I want to be healthy, fit, & look good in my pencil skirts.

What I intend to accomplish on the way:

1. Shed 10 to 15 lbs---weigh less than 120lbs and maintain it.
2. Strengthen weak areas.
3. Tighten & strengthen core.
4. Build upper body strength--- 25+ pull ups and a trip across the monkey bars with no fear.
5. Trim & tone the lower body--- shape the tush for the pencil skirts.
6. Improve cardiovascularly ---I want to participate in the fun 5ks: Neon run, color me rad, graffiti run, mud run…
7. Improve the eating habits:
         1)  Break the unhealthy habits by:
                           *Cutting the soda out for good.
                           *Reduce & minimize the carbs.
                           *Retrain the sweet tooth and minimize the indulgences.
                           *More green things!
                           *Avoid eating late.                  

                  2)  Keep the practice of a food journal.
                  3) Cook more. Cook better.
                  4) Take my own lunch to work.
                  5) Actually eat my breakfast.
                  6) Eat 20% less! 
8. Add 20 minutes more of cardio activity to my day.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Page One.

Saying I don't have discipline seems so contradictory, but it feels like a fact.
 Seriously, I am truly my own worst enemy.
I am working on a self-improvement project.
          (“How can I improve someone I don’t even know anymore?”) you did not read that.
Let the quarter- life crisis begin!
welcome to my cursive written rambles.